Alternative Registration:
Please download and print the registration PDF file and mail it in with your payment to:
HaBiet Messianic Congregation
c/o PJ and Christi Jones
114 magnolia Trail
Satsuma, Fl 32189
or you may scan and e mail the registration form back to ''
Checks may be made out to "HaBiet" and under the "RE" put "Feast of Tabernacles".
To Pay With Credit Card: Click Yellow "Buy Now" Button Below, Then: e-mail the registration form, OR, by regular mail, send it to the address below. But pay by credit card by clicking the "BUY NOW" button below:
Call for help if any questions:
Mailing address is : 114 Magnolia Trl. Satsuma, FL 32189. If sending by email, send it to
Should you have any questions, please call us at (386) 336-5679 or email us at